New Regulation makes Beneficial Ownership Register Necessary

The United Arab Emirates’ Cabinet has as of late distributed Resolution No 58/2020 to control the ‘minimum’ commitments of entities incorporated there – incorporating those in the non-financial free zones. From 27th October onwards, the resolution will require the revelation of information about beneficial owners at the initial registration/incorporation stage.

For each situation, the data is to go into a “Register of Real Beneficiaries” and “Register of Shareholders or Partners.”

The law will expect entities to send duplicate copies of their registers off to the pertinent licensing authorities and registrars and keep them refreshed to accommodate changes as and when required. The consequences for the holdings of HNW investors in the UAE are self-evident.

The announcing cutoff time for all registers is 60 days from the date on which the Government issued its decision, which is by 27th October or at the hour of the consolidation/enlistment of another entity. Firms must report changes (by refreshing their registers and telling the authorities) within 15 days.

For the reasons for these “registers of real beneficiaries,” a real beneficiary will be the accompanying.

  • Whoever claims or eventually controls (through direct or indirect ownership) at any rate 25% of the offer capital of the entity being referred to, whoever holds 25% or a greater amount of the voting rights, or whoever has “proprietorship powers” through any means (for example the authority to appoint or dismiss the vast majority of the managers).
  • In the event that no real beneficiary fits these models, or if there is any uncertainty over who has the last controlling state, the individual who exercises authority over the entity through different methods will qualify.
  • In the event that no individual can be discovered, the real beneficiary will be whoever holds the situation of the individual accountable for senior administration.

There can be more than one real beneficiary in an entity, so if a few people take an interest in the proprietorship or control, they will all be managed as proprietors and controllers.

In its Register of Shareholders and Partners, an entity will be obliged to keep the details of the particular shareholders and partners (and “nominal managers”), set out in the choice, and update the register with any adjustment in 15 days.

Nominee Directors to be Enlisted – A New Departure

A nominal manager, being “any physical individual following up on the directions of someone else,” must advise the entity of his nominal status and present all the essential information required in regard to the Register of Shareholders and Partners within 15 days of his appointment, or 30 days from the date of the Cabinet decision. He should likewise advise the entity regarding any change to his data or status inside 15 days of the event.

In a condition of disintegration or liquidation, entities in a directed market are liable to balance reporting prerequisites under the decision.

Any instance of an infringement of the decision’s provisions can bring about the Economic Minister or the authorizing expert being referred to as imposing sanctions.

Follow the guide if you need to avail company formation services or corporate finance services in Dubai.

Key Takeaways

  • All companies in the UAE, both free zone and mainland companies except for companies incorporated in the financial free zones Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) and Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) and companies possessed by the Federal Government and their subsidiaries), should now keep at their office premises:
  • A register of beneficial owners;
  • A shareholder register; and
  • A register of nominee directors.
  • Companies must record such data identifying with the beneficial owners and shareholders with the necessary licensing authorities and registrar liable for managing the register of trade names for the different sorts of establishments enlisted in the UAE (the registrar) 27th October 2020.
  • Companies must advise the registrar of any change or correction to the data provided within 15 days of such change or alteration.
  • Companies are needed to assign a person who the registrar may contact corresponding to any disclosure.
  • Each company must find a way to guarantee straightforwardness, acquire exact data with respect to the beneficial possession, and refresh the registers’ data on an ongoing basis.
  • Companies recorded in all around managed stock trades or companies that these registered companies possess may depend on the applicable stock trade exposures instead of making independent inquiries regarding the beneficial ownership.


Our JAXA experts have in-depth knowledge with respect to all the information you require. In case you need additional data or any help with setting up the applicable registers and filing the equivalent with the registrar, do contact us. We would be glad to help.