Auditing and Accounting Firms in Abu Dhabi

Auditing is simply the double-checking and verifying books of accounts and recorded financial data prepared by the accountant in an organization against the source documents from which they have been prepared. It also examines whether the organization works according to industry standards or any other stated purpose. In other words, it is an inspection of the company’s financial data to assure the relevant stakeholders that its financial statements and reported data are accurate and transparent. Jaxa Auditors is one of the best auditing and accounting firms in Abu Dhabi.

Audit Services offered;

JAXA provides a range of audit services suitable for small and large organizations. The services include:

  • Internal audit

This refers to evaluating the internal position and control of the business.

Internet audit assures the business about their risk management strategies, corporate practices and methods, and internal control processes that they operate effectively. It adds credibility to financial reports and reports to the shareholders and management.

  • External Audit

This refers to examining the business’s financial records to verify financial data’s transparency, reliability, and accuracy. An external audit is done by a third party, which does not have anything to do with the organization, and It helps discover any frauds, misstatements, and miscalculations. External auditors will report the progress of the business to the management, which will assist them in making future decisions and strategies.

  • Statuary Audit

This type of audit is mandatory by law and communicates the financial information to all stakeholders, including investors, shareholders, the general public, etc. This audit assures the government and other stakeholders that all financial data representation is done accurately and honestly. Click here to learn more

  • Due Diligence audit services

This type of audit refers to examining and inspecting the company records and determining the business’s financial standing. This information is helpful to management to correct any problems or course of the business. This information is useful when merging or acquiring new businesses so that the company’s financial standing is clear and not over or underestimated. Click here for more information.

Why companies in Abu Dhabi need Auditing Firms

  • Audit firms determine your business’ reputation and reliability in the market. Stakeholders will be interested in firms with successful audit reports, as they will be assured of the business’ performance and transparency.
  • Pressure groups like the government will be assured of the business operations.
  • Hiring audit firms gives the business access to specialized teams and individuals, which might help the business in various aspects such as tax practices, profit, and loss analysis, fraud prevention, etc.
  • It helps maintain the confidence of the stakeholders.

Choosing JAXA for auditing and accounting in Abu Dhabi?

  • JAXA chartered accountants is an ISO 9001-2015 certified firm with qualified CAs, auditors, and specialist teams.
  • It has been recognized internationally as an approved auditor in all UAE free zones and has provided services to more than 1500 clients.
  •  JAXA is also affiliated with TIAG, the leader in the international technology market and strategic and transformational solutions.
  • Practices throughout the UAE and a reliable, flexible, and innovative team of accountants and auditors make JAXA the best audit firm choice for any business in the UAE.

Read more:

Auditing Firms in Dubai

Audit Firms in Sharjah

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