Your Guide to Tax Return Filing in 2020

Value Added Tax or VAT was introduced in UAE on 1st January 2018 with the aim acquiring a new source of income which would help the government in the achievement of its vision of reducing the dependence on oil and other hydrocarbons as a source of revenue.
The VAT is considered as a general consumption tax and will apply to the transactions in goods and services throughout the UAE, with a limited number of exceptions. Since it has been recently introduced, the business owners are not so clear on the rules and regulations set by the government. This has led to a rise in the number of vat experts in UAE.
Here is a comprehensive guide to all you need to know about VAT in the UAE.
What is VAT Return Filing?
VAT return filings are the submission of the official tax documents to the relevant tax authority, which is the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). A registered entity should file for VAT depending upon the tax period. The filing shows if there is any tax due or any reimbursement to be done to the business entity. If the taxable person is unable to file for taxes, the entity has the freedom to authorise any other person on his behalf which usually is a Tax Agent of a Legal Representative.
Norms for VAT Return Filing
The UAE government has set some rules and regulations for the filing of vat which every business should follow:
- For companies with an annual turnover of over AED 375,000, it is mandatory to file for a tax return.
- For businesses with an annual turnover between AED 187,500 and 375,000, it is voluntary to opt for VAT registration and filing.
A business has to pay VAT to the government equal to the amount which it collects from the government, at the same time they receive a refund from the government on the tax paid to the suppliers of the business.
- Foreign businesses also have the option to get back the VAT they incur while visiting the UAE.